Friday, April 30, 2010

Mother's Day - 9 May 2010

9 May 2010 – Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day coming up!

I do celebrate my mother every single day by reciting “Al-Fatihah” for her soul.

I saw articles and the promos about the upcoming Mother’s Day on the newspaper the other day and was thinking about my feeling and here goes…

When the light goes off, it’s dark!

Same goes to when my beloved mother passed away about five years ago.

She was suffered by mild stroke which lead to her death 10 days after the attack.

She’s 66 year old; it was the month of Holy Ramadhan, Friday, October 7, 2005.

The vivid memory of the year was when the very first time in our family celebrating the Aidil Fitri without her.

We are longing for her “rendang”, “ketupat pulut” and most of all, her nagging in the wee hour of Aidil Fitri.

She would make us woke up very early in the morning and won’t stop until everyone gets done!

My “mak” will make sure the things we supposed to do in the morning of Aidil Fitri and food and cookies completed and be ready on the table.

The feeling how lonely after she goes sometimes too hard to bear and whenever I am alone, her comfort is very much I need.

Years goes by, the memory of this ordinary women I called “MAK” still in my mind and will be forever in my heart.

I am missing you MAK......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....