Friday, December 10, 2010


2010…lagi 3 minggu tahun 2011 akan menjelma.Terlalu banyak yang hendak dikenang sepanjang 12 bulan ini.Apa yang pasti lebih banyak yang pahit dari yang manis. Boleh dikatakan tahun 2010 adalah tahun yang amat malang bagi aku.Terlalu banyak dugaan yang datang bertimpa-timpa, terlalu banyak masalah yang harus aku hadapi, terlalu rapuh diri ini hendak menangkis serangan yang mendatang. Untuk sedikit hari yang bersisa, aku mengharapkan tahun 2011 menjanjikan sedikit sinar cahaya buat diri ini…Tidak secerah sang suria pun tidak mengapa,seterang cahaya lilin pun jadilah….benar-benar mengharap!

Bila difikirkan kembali, segala permasalahan bermula sejak menginjak 1 Januari. Dengan tekad untuk berdikari, aku memulakan perjalanan 2010 dengan berpindah, menetap seorang diri dan bermulalah era keseorangan dan sedikit kebebasan yang amat aku cari. Mengharapkan secebis ihsan dan pertolongan untuk memulakan hidup, aku meminta dan merayu pada ahli keluarga terdekat untuk membantu. Malang sungguh, ikatan kekeluargaan belum tentu menjamin keikhlasan. Dalam seumur hidup hingga kini, aku berulang kali dilukai tapi bak kata orang luka akan sembuh. Tapi kali ini terluka benar, sakit yang teramat.Mungkin akan sembuh tapi yang pasti parut amat berbekas!

Bila tak mampu menanggung sendiri, teringin benar hendak mengadu. Ada yang sudi mendengar tapi berkongsi rasa belum tentu. Menoleh kekiri dan kanan hanya diri sendiri yang boleh dipersalahkan.Sebagai iktibar? Mungkin tapi sukar. Diri ini sentiasa diambil kesempatan.Kadang-kadang tertanya sendiri, mengapa sampai begitu sekali.Kata orang aku ni lembut hati, mudah lentur dek rasa. Tapi hairan, kalau diri ini yang diambil kesempatan, mengapa setiap yang berlaku, buruknya tetap dipersalahkan pada diri walau kadang-kala tak secebis pun bersangkut. Bila aku mula bersuara, dikatakan mula besar kepala, tak ingat pada yang menolong. Tapi sampai bila harus kepala terus dipijak, hati terus dilukai, diri terus merana. Mungkin kadang-kala, pedih rasa boleh aku tanggung sendiri tapi sampai bila.Hendak menangis, bak kata orang sudah kering air mata, hendak senyum dan ketawa, takut dikata hanya berpura-pura.

2011 semakin hampir.Tekad hati hendak berubah. Kali ini biar hati sendiri terjaga, biar beban ditanggung sendiri tanpa meminta-minta, merayu pada yang tersenyum menghulur tangan tapi dihati bak duri menikam. Biar sukar untuk memulakan kembali, bertatih pun jadi lah kalau tidak mampu untuk terus berjalan.

Pada yang Maha ESA, aku pohon kekuatan dan keampunan, semoga perjalanan yang mendatang di rahmati. AMIN.

Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah 1432 & Selamat Tahun Baru 2011.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Face It ?

About a year ago I’ve a dream to change my life, to be more independence and started a new chapter in my life story. It turns out to be the most challenging phase in my life. I’m facing more down than ups…I got the support that I need but nowadays the difficulties are against me.

I was crying when my mother passed away about five years ago but I am crying harder now when the trouble hits me. I wish I’ve strength to keep myself sane in order to facing the problem. I am not sure how long can I stand firm on the ground.

I am not looking for challenge in my life but I am facing one. Big ONE!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Heloooo August!


Me @ CIK KIN : August 16
Mastura @ MAS : August 17
Kak Ani @ MAK LANG : August 19
Faizol Ikhmal @ JOE : August 19
Kak Nisah @ MAK LONG : August 22


How to spend a WEEKDAYS!

Misty morning and winds,
Grass looks gray,
Monday is begins,
With lots of hope and pray!

Grass looks gray,
Down to the slope,
Today is Tuesday,
Pray for a new hope.

Down to the slope,
Flowers are blooming,
Still praying for a hope,
Wednesday is coming.

Flowers are blooming,
Waiting for a breeze,
Answer for a praying,
Thursday it is!

Waiting for a breeze,
Happy for a break,
Go away a grieve,
Friday is here to celebrate.

July 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Am 2 On BLOG!

June 27, 2008 - sign in for the first time. Feel the excitement to have my own blog.
Smiling & was thinking - I AM A BLOGGER now!...It was 2 years now, blogging is the least thing I do nowadays, time catch up with us, I've been introduced to FACEBOOK...eerrmmm, quite interesting. Nowadays, family & friends will ask you this: “Ada FB? , add I la…”
Anyways, I’m here to celebrating my YEAR 2 of my blog page!
Happy blogging!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's JUNE!

Happy Birthday to JUNE :

Mohd Fuad Rajudin @ Mamat : June 13

Zoey Zeffry Azman : June 18

Saremah Mohammad @ Cik Ema : June 19

ALLAH bless you all....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poem: Boring Day...

Why need to be alone and to be lonely?

I am bored, I am lonely
Trying to get entertained by telly….
Not enough, no laugh,
Turn on my laptop, am Google tough,
I need to laugh; I need to kill this boredom,
Watch Kellie Pickler’s interview,
Quietly laughing to the boom,
Listen to country songs,
Kellie,Carrie and Taylor,
Ermmmm….how weird feel a little blur,
Another boring day has hit me,
Waiting and praying that will never be.

May 19, 2010.

(pardon My English....)

Monday, May 10, 2010


It's not to late to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL MAY!!!

Mohd Noor Amin Mohd Hassan @ Mat Min : May 2

Mohd Adib Irfan Borhan @ Adib : May 15

Rohani Mat Rani & Mak Ndak : May 21

Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki....

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mother's Day - 9 May 2010

9 May 2010 – Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day coming up!

I do celebrate my mother every single day by reciting “Al-Fatihah” for her soul.

I saw articles and the promos about the upcoming Mother’s Day on the newspaper the other day and was thinking about my feeling and here goes…

When the light goes off, it’s dark!

Same goes to when my beloved mother passed away about five years ago.

She was suffered by mild stroke which lead to her death 10 days after the attack.

She’s 66 year old; it was the month of Holy Ramadhan, Friday, October 7, 2005.

The vivid memory of the year was when the very first time in our family celebrating the Aidil Fitri without her.

We are longing for her “rendang”, “ketupat pulut” and most of all, her nagging in the wee hour of Aidil Fitri.

She would make us woke up very early in the morning and won’t stop until everyone gets done!

My “mak” will make sure the things we supposed to do in the morning of Aidil Fitri and food and cookies completed and be ready on the table.

The feeling how lonely after she goes sometimes too hard to bear and whenever I am alone, her comfort is very much I need.

Years goes by, the memory of this ordinary women I called “MAK” still in my mind and will be forever in my heart.

I am missing you MAK......

Monday, April 19, 2010

19 April 1939
Selamat Ulang Tahun Yang Ke-71

Semoga ruhnya disisi orang-orang yang beriman......AMIN.......

Dari kami yang sentiasa merindui...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Heyy.... APRIL!!

April datang lagi....
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan di rahmati ALLAH SWT....

Zarina @ ACU : April 3

Maizatul Huna @ KAKAK : April 23


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Selamat Hari Jadi & Happy Birthday to all MARCH:

March 4
Danial Mohd Ariff @ Abang Ngah

March 13
Yusniazzitta Awang Ideris @ Ita
Ryan Zeffrey Azman

March 27
Nor Azman Awang Ideris & Man

March 25
Noor Hana Mohd Hassan @ Ana
Dafi Razniel Adam

March 12
Jamaludin Daud @ Abg Din

Semoga ALLAH panjangkan umur & murahkan rezeki

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Poem by Noor

People see me smile,
People see me laugh,
I have to keep distance for awhile,
For me to be tough.

Trouble is a friend of mine,
Problem just won't go away,
When I need someone to mind,
They all sway.

When I cry, no one know,
When I am happy, no one share,
Have to keep all my sorrow,
Hope for someone to take care.

It's pain to be alone,
More so to be lonely,
It's going to be prone,
To be in the tizzy!

March 2, 2010 : 3.45pm

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jalan-Jalan Ke Melaka-February 28, 2010-Chapter 4


View along Sungai Melaka...

Nape tuuu...?
Mula-mula termenung lepas tu tertidur...hehehe

Jetty for River Cruise
Waiting time...

Nice view of Sungai Melaka

Jalan-Jalan Ke Melaka-February 28, 2010-Chapter 3


Negara -ku....hehehe

Look up?

Acu & Family

Bob & Ina

Tengah tunggu turn..

Jalan-Jalan Ke Melaka-February 28, 2010 : Chapter 2


Didie & Adib

Unpaid models...I like this pose!
Posing ala-ala model gitu....Acu, Kak Ani & Ngah

Anak yang jadi model....
Ala-ala perempuan Melayu terakhir....hehehe
Melayan kerenah cucu...
Another model pose!
Cool beb!
Should give credit to photographer!...hehehe
Ngah & Kak Ani berlatarbelakangkan A Famosa

Jalan-Jalan Ke Melaka - February 28, 2010 : Chapter 1

Not sure whether last minute or not....but mostly on the spot! Kitaorang gi jalan-jalan ke Melaka. Bertolak dari KL lebih kurang pukul 11am & sampai di Melaka @ lebih tepat di Tol Ayer Keroh lebih kurang 12.30pm. First thing first, cari makan! Lapar....& enjoy "the Melaka".....


Kak Ani & sagon-nya...
Adam, Ngah & Dafi

Balik Sabah Rumah Sabah

Kat Rumah Sarawak