All the way up to Genting! Hari Ahad lepas, 22 Mac 2009, bersama-sama ngan Acu & family, Ngah & family & Kak Ani, we all driving all the way up to Genting, City of Entertainment....Sesaja nak habis kan cuti sekolah especially for Didie yang tak kemana-mana sepanjang seminggu cuti sekolah, more like a treat for him. He's all excited & non stop talking all the way to Genting. It is his first. As Genting provide all the fun, the most thrilling time is bila nak naik ke atas by car. Ngan jalan yang bak "ular dipalu", seram jer....
Alhmadulillah, cuaca pada waktu pagi walaupun mendung tapi okay dan we got our chances to enjoy the fun facilities..Cuma hampir pukul 5, hujan gerimis....sejuk sangat..
Although we got minor hiccups : Dafi, anak Ngah kurang sihat, kesian tak berapa nak boleh enjoy, tangan Adib yang luka tersangkut pintu dan for me my suddenly asthma attack, i end up paying RM80 at First World Clinic for oxigen treatment.....the rest of it we enjoy ourselves.
InsyaAllah, moga ada peluang lagi kesana with all of my family....
We share good laugh, good fun & good bond....

Acu, Borhan & kids Didie, Adib...good pose infront of double decker red bus

Another pose...

Didie & his father having a good boating time...

Mak Lang @ Kak Ani...try "romantic" boating time...hehehe

Pose only...dare not to try the scary coaster...

Family posing

We had our breakfast at Kenny Roger Roasters at 10am....